Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Book # 35

Jealousy by Lili St Crow
316 pages
Popular Fiction
Before I begin my rant, let me say that I love this series. The plot is different, plus there's romance and some heavy kick-butt action. This series needs to be read in order. The author doesn't pollute this story with a lot of details from the previous books.
At the end of the last book, Dru Anderson, a sixteen-year-old orphan, is hiding out in a special school meant to help train her. The world of the paranormal with zombies, suckers, and weres isn't something new. Before he died, her father taught her how to survive. Even so, he didn't tell her everything about her past. Bit by bit, she's learning about her heritage and about her mother's murder. She has parts of it buried deep inside, but is afraid to look too deeply. All the while, someone very powerful is trying to kill her.
In this book Dru is finally brought to the main schola where she will supposedly be safe. Unfortunately for Dru there simply isn't anywhere that is safe for her. The series continues to examine the complexities in the relationships between Dru , Christophe and Graves. I wish there was some resolution there but that will be for later books. Additionally, Lili brings more discussion Ash into the book. Dru brought Ash to the main schola and has a very maternal instinct toward him. Dru needs to be needed and Ash is the only one that truly seems to need her. Be ready for some interesting plot twists in this book because it will not end in the way you expect it to.
Jealousy is by far my favorite book so far in this series (see Book #32 and Book #31). It was so much faster than the other two books. One thing I really want to happen is for Dru and Christophe to be together, if she ends up with Graves I will scream and shout and be very mad. See I told you I was going to rant.

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