Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book # 36

Defiance by Lili St. Crow
259 pages
Popular Fiction
Book four in the strange angels series is now my number one favorite! I love this series, it's such a fresh take on the vampire world. And I love that Dru is indeed a strong female character, not just a girl that the authors describes as such but really isn't. No spoilers here!
Dru is an incredible female lead. I think she is by far one of the most interesting characters because of her vulnerability and her brutal honesty. In one moment she is extremely strong and will risk anything and in another instance she is incredibly vulnerable and open. Her character continues to be dynamic in the stories.
The love triangle in this book only gets more confusing. I am still trying to figure what is up with the apple pie smelling Christophe and who Dru would be better off with, probably Christophe. Graves is absent for the most part in this book since he has been kidnapped so we get to see a lot more of Christophe. Sometimes it seems like he is a perfect fit for Dru and at other times it seems that he keeps too much from her.
The last book left off with Graves in the hands of Sergei, the King of the Vampires. I thought book four would pick up exactly where book three left off. Because it didn't, it took time for me to warm up to what was happening. By the time I'd reached page sixty-three, I was hooked though not much action happened in this installment--not like with the first two books. Dru, part vampire/part human, is close to blooming, which sort of means that she'll come into her full powers. She spends most of her time training and relying on Christophe to locate Graves. When information about Graves surfaces as well as the secrets that have been kept are revealed, Dru stops trusting everyone around her to go on her own to find Graves.
I highly recommend this book, it's got a realistic and heart stopping romantic triangle; fun, deep, and likable characters; good dialogue; and the action is non-stop. I finished this one in less than a day.

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