Sunday, February 13, 2011

Book #10 Cont. Slightly

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
30 more pages in
Yeah I know it's a very small reading margin but I had to work a lot this weekend and this was about all I could manage, so deal.
Amy is second generation Chinese immigrant, I thin kI said that right. Her parents were Chinese immigrants so, yeah I think thats right. Anyway, Amy tells about her daughters and their instruments and it gets really intense. She threatens to burn all of her one daughters stuffed animals if she doesn't play the piano song that they were practicing perfectly. But then at other parts she says how proud she is of them for doing great things. Lulu was being very rebellious about playing the piano and so Amy switched her to the violin, and she is very good. Some off the things she says are just appalling like calling her daughter Sophia garbage. And then other times she seems like a completely normal mother, one who loves and respects her children. I have a feeling that she will change as the book goes on, I really hope she does.

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