Thursday, March 31, 2011

Book #22

Stolen by Lucy Christopher
229 pages
Literary Fiction i think
"It happened like this. I was stolen from an airport. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him. This is my story. A letter from nowhere." This is how the book starts. Whats really interesting is that it is written as a letter so you can see how her feelings for Ty change throughout the book. He never does anything to her and says he just wants the company but later you find out that he had a bad childhood and fears abandonment. You also find out how meticulous this guy has been, making sure he knew everything about Gemma and making certain that he had all the supplies they would ever need. At first he seems like a psycho but she starts to see a sensitive side to him and thinks that he really cares for her and wants her to be safe and happy. When she finally gets rescued she is so far into her "love" for Ty that she doesn't even see what he has done to her mentally. She finally snaps out of her Stockholm Syndrome in time to realize that Ty was a bad person and tell the real story to a judge, in front of a jury, for the whole world to hear.
This book was sooooo good I just couldn't put it down. It's chilling and scary to think about something like this happening to yourself or someone you know. It was recommended to me by Mrs. K, the librarian, and there were some others of the same nature but I can't remember anymore I'll have to ask her again.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soccer Phenom This girl is crazy good with a soccer ball! I have never seen someone move that fast, or that coordinated. She "began juggling a ball with her feet until suddenly she popped it in the air, swished her right foot around the ball twice, kicked it up again, then rotated her left foot around once without letting the ball touch the floor." She is really driven and that's good but can you be too driven? She won't join the girls soccer team because she wants to be the best and I get that but when you're having girls call you saying they hate you do you think there could be something you could do to stop that. I think that she could have been less cocky and show-offy to the other girls and maybe tried to be their friends because looking through their eyes it looks like she is too good for the rest of them. She even said it herself in the article "She says her best friend is her 12-year-old sister, Skye, and most of her other buddies come from a Facebook community of freestylers, some of whom she's never actually met," I think that that's a little pathetic that she has virtually no real friends.

High-School Seniors Predict Their Future
On this website a group of seniors from a San Diego high school were interviewed by the New York Times about their 10-year plans. Most of the plans would be realistic if the students would apply themselves. Many of the seniors said something about money being tight so they might have a hard time paying for college. The student that I think is most likely to make their plan a reality would probably be the girl who wants to be a pediatrician, she seemed really sure of her decision and very motivated. The student who is least likely to achieve their goals in my opinion would definitely be the boy who wants to be a marijuana baker because really there is no way that business would get approval to start. Some of these kids just seem to be giving an answer that sounds good. They sound like they aren't really sure of their decision and a just making it up.
In 10 years I hope to be working at a nice hospital as a PA (physicians assistant) alongside a great doctor. I don't know what specialty I would like to go into yet but definitely not cancer or old people, it's just too sad. PA's make a fair amount of money and don't have to work crazy hours like a doctor or surgeon does. They also don't have the huge responsibility that a surgeon does because they work under someone. I have a friend who is a PA and have shadowed him and it was awesome.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Book #21

Torment by Lauren Kate
452 pages

Popular Fiction

So I don't really feel like going into a great bunch of detail, I'm just really frustrated with blogger right now so I will just give a summary of whats in it. It's the second in a series, the first is called Fallen. It has fallen angels, curses, Outcasts, and Nephilim. Basically this girl Luce has to live and die over and over again decade after decade until she is seventeen. At that time when this Fallen angel kisses her, Daniel, she explodes and the whole process starts again. In the first she finds out about all this and then someone almost kills her. So in the second one she is moved by the angels to a school for Nephilim so she can be better protected. Daniel and Cam (a dark fallen angel/demon) made a truce to try and kill as many of Luce's enemies in eighteen days as possible. at this new school of hers she is a celebrity, all the nephilim kids have heard the romantic story of Luce and Daniel. It's almost like a fairy tale or bedtime story to them. While there Luce learns how to glimpse at her past lives but it's very dangerous not to mention forbidden. She also makes some good friends, although one might just be falling for her and she starts wondering what life would be like without Daniel and with this other boy instead. And at the end there is another big battle were people try to kill Luce but this time she does something really unexpected that has left me waiting impatiently for the next one.

I really like these covers too. They are really smooth almost like a leather feeling and they are thick. And oh my god they have that new book smell!! My favorite part about the covers is the girls' dress, it is just so pretty and I want one just like it.

OMG frusterating!

So I just realized that on my last post (Book #20) that it is all just in one big blob of info. Not how I usually do that and I already tried fixing it but it keeps going back to the blob. It is very frusterating because it is not like the other posts and that bothers me. If anyone knows hoe to fix this please tell me!! It's driving me INSANE!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Book #20

Shadowspell by Jenna Black
295 pages
Popular fiction
To understand this book you have to know what happened in the first one, Glimmerglass. Dana Hathaways alcoholic mother shows up at her her voice recital drunk, again, and she decides that she's had enough. So she decides to go find her mysterious dad in Avalon; the only place on Earth where the regular world and the captivating world of Faerie intersect. But as soon as she gets there everything goes wrong. It turns out she is a Faeriewalker, someone who can travel between both worlds and bring magic to our world and technology to Faerie, btw they are really rare. Then she gets tangled up with politics and discovers someone is trying to kill her. Everyone wants something from her and she doesn't know who can be trusted or where she fits in or if her world will ever be normal again. On top of all that there is a hottie fae guy named Ethan who is well lets just say he's perfect. So now in the second one she is spending most of her time in a bunker-like safe house and is always being watched by her bodyguard. And more bad news the evil Erlking and his murderous minions called the Wild Hunt are now in Avalon. The Erlking has been a nightmare in the Faerire realm for as long as anyone can remember with his homicidal tendencies and immortal powers. The Erlking can't just hunt willy nilly though, he has a mysterious spell put on him by the Faerie Queens so he can only hunt who they tell him to. Which is bad news for Dana because the Queens want her and her Faeriewalker powers dead and gone. The Erlking has his sights set on Dana but does he want to kill her or does he have something darker in mind? You'll just have to read them to find out. I read Glimmerglass a while ago and have been waiting so long for Shadowspell to come out so I might be a little foggy about some of the details in the first one but you get the gist of it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1000 Awesome Things
Check out this website, it is just full of things that this person thinks are awesome. Some are really random and others are really funny but they are all awesome. Some of my favorites are:
Grandma hair
When little kids show you their muscles
The Moon
Intense Halloween Candy Trades

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Country Boys

The documentary type film called Country Boys follows two boys named Chris and Cody. Chris lives in a trailer with his family who are not doing so well financially. Cody on the other hand is a goth orphan who lives with his ex-step-grandmother. Both boys go to a school for kids who have problems or need more help. I can't remember the official name for it. Chris has an accent but sounds like he is smart. He has trouble in school but tries very hard and he has a nervous laughter that pops up a lot in the film. Cody doesn't sound as smart and is more quiet. He uses a lot of grunts and uh-huhs to communicate. He sings in a band that is really heavy rock metally screamer stuff but the lyrics are christian.

Book #19

Cloaked by Alex Flinn

337 pages in
Popular Fiction
So this is by the author who wrote Beastly, she does mostly retellings of Fairy Tales. I have no idea which one this is, unless it's a mixture of many.At the beginning of each chapter there is a quote from a fairy tale so maybe it is a mixture. Some of the quotes come from "The Elves and the Shoemaker," "The Frog Prince," "The Six Swans," and something called "The Salad." There are more too but I have never heard of them. Anywho, the book is about this boy who works at a shoe repair store in a hotel, and he loves shoes. No, he's not gay, he just thinks they are awesome. His best friend Meg works in a coffee shop across the hall and they like to collect quotes that mention shoes, some of my favorites include: "Our incomes our like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us, but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip"-John Locke, "Mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been."-Forrest Gump. The book starts out with a princess who comes to the hotel and Johnny really wants to meet her, and he does. When she is making her enterance she notices him and he gets to talk to her. Later that night he is working late, to help try and pay the bills, when the princess comes into his shop with a broken shoe. She is drunk and gives him a lot of money to fix it. The next morning he brings it to her room and when he meets her she tells him a crazy story. Her brother has been transformed into a frog by an evil witch and she wants him to find the frog and bring it to her so she can get her brother transformed back. At first he thinks she's crazy but she gives him a lot of money, with promise of more to come, and promises to marry him. He is also given a magic cloak that can transport him anywere and he doesn't think any of this until he wishes he was just home and suddenly he's there. This simple act makes him believe all the rest so he agrees to help the princess. He gets info from some swans who used to be humans and he is on his way to Key West in search of the frog. He talks to a fox, fights witches, and almost gets eaten by giants. His best friend turns out to be a witch who also transforms the prince back once they find him. In the end he finds his long lost father and gets his dream fashion shoe designer business started. Oh yeah and he gets the girl but i'll let you figure out which one it is.

In the Author's Note of the book there is a list of all the fairy tales that are used and a description of them:

"The Elves and the Shoemaker" "The Frog Prince" "The Six Swans" "The Golden Bird" "The Valiant Tailor" "The Salad" "The Fisherman and His Wife"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Book #18

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
452 pages
Popular fiction
This book was AMAZING it had everything that I think it needed. It's about a werewolf pack up in the mountains, but they aren't called werewolves they're called Guardians. They can change whenever they want, the moon has nothing to do with it. There are packs with alphas and betas and stuff like that. They serve the Keepers which are like warlocks and witches, one keeper is the head of the pack. I think an easier way to describe it is to use sports. The owner of the team is the Keeper, the team is the pack and the coaches are the Alphas. So there are two rival packs and the alphas' kids are going to be alphas of a new pack together. The two new alphas, Calla and Ren, have known this forever and they have their own pack or friends that will unite ar the Union which will be on Halloween, or Samhain for them. Everything is going according to plan until Calla saves a human from a bear attack and lets him see her change forms. He then ends up going to their school and lives with a Keeper. This boy brings something else with him, bravery, knowledge, and curiosity. He can't accept how things are at the Mountain school and messes everything up and falls for Calla. And Calla falls for him even though she is promised to Ren. I personally don't like this new guy, Shay, I think Ren is better but what can you do. So Shay and Calla start breaking all these rules: reading forbidden texts, telling a human about their world, kissing him, going into the Keepers sacred sites, and the worst Calla changes Shay into a Guardian. And with all this new knowledge Calla is questioning everything that she has ever known. And then at the Union when she is ready to give up Shay forever, he ends up being the thing that her and Ren have to hunt and kill to finalize their union. Then she ditches the Union and runs away with Shay. But they get attacked and captured by Searchers, who are supposed to be bad but are good... I think. They take both of them away and you don't know if they are going to help Calla or hurt her when the book ends.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Picture Book Timeline
This website has a time line of all these children picture books and when they were published. I had no idea that some of my favorite books are so old! The oldest book on there that I have is the Wizard of Oz published in 1900. The next oldest is the Tale of Peter Rabbit published in 1902, this was one of my favorites. The Velveteen Rabbit was on there too, published in 1922, it was my favorite book of all time until I discovered the book Emma Bean. Of all the books featured on the time line I think that Were the Wild Things Are or Frog and Toad Are Friends have the best illustrations. Many of the newer books I have never heard of, the books that were my favorites were my Nana's when she was little or my Papa's. Some of my newer ones belonged to my parents but I don't have that many new ones. And yes I still have my picture books and still read them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Book #17 Finished

Love Inc. by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout
129 more pages
Popular fiction
So the guy Nani tried to set Zahra up with is totally full of himself but she is still gonna give him a chance cause she thinks that there might be something under all that annoying, and there is. On their date he takes her to a meat drive, full of his exes and flames. And then he puts her to work and leaves her. So he's toast but she got introduced to this guy who is a friend of a customers boyfriend, and they are doing good so far. Syd dog is sick and needs a pacemaker for his heart but Syd doesn't have any money cause her dad drained her accounts to give his new girlfriend a boob job, nice. So the other too start up a fund and start selling homemade dog biscuts for him. But they don't tell Syd in case they come up short. This one guy who is dating the mayors daughter wants the girls to check up on his girlfriend but the girls are afraid that bad things could happen and they could get caught, but he is very persistent. They continue with their company and Kali thinks she found someone great for Zahra, but Zahra and Kalis brother don't get along very well so she thinks Kali made a mistake. In the end they all get caught when they do the job for the persistent boy and their parents get soooo mad and they are forbidden to do any more business. Zahras family might be getting back together and her mother is starting a business of homemade soaps and stuff. Nani and Nana have backed off with their culture shock but still want to stay in touch. Zahra and Kalis brother did end up getting together and they are happy. The girls quit Love Inc. ... officially but they plan on doing covert operations.
I loved this book it was very fun, nothing too heavy. A great, easy read.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book #14 Cont.

The Fool's Girl by Celia Rees
90 more pages in
Popular Fiction
So im not sure if I like this book as much as her others. It seems to be more of a background and less of a story line, though I will have to read it a second time to fully understand it. But it looks great. I am one of those people who obsess about how a book looks. This one, for example, is perfect to me. It is small, about 7.5" by 5 " and its about an inch thick. The pages have that new book smell and the paper is nice and thick. The cover feels almost like parchment but the underside is smooth like the part you lick of and envelope. The cover art has a bunch of desins that look french and than a girl on it with the golden colored lettering on the right. I don't know why I make such a big deal about it but I do and I really like arranging them on my book shelves according to size, author, or content. Yes, I admit it, I'm a book freak.
Feste and Violetta know that they have to get the relic back to their country but they just have to figure out how. Right where I left off they had gotten help from Shakespeare and her cousin and they were going to travel by disguise of a actors caravan to find the thief. Her cousin/boyfriend caught up with them at this one town and it was weird to say the least. Feste thinks that Stephano is their enemy. On the day he visited the caravan it was May Day and him and Violetta went to pick flowers in the morning.
I just can't get over the fact that she's dating her cousin, it's so weird. I mean, I know it used to happen, but I have never read a book were the author acctually uses that scenario. Usually there is no cousin in the first place so the subject never comes up. I just don't know if I can finnish this book because that couple is just too bizarre.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Book #17

Love Inc. by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout
280 pages in
Popular Fiction
This book is really funny so far. It's about this girl whose parents are separated(not divorced) so the oldest daughter, Zahra, moves in with her dad because she is trying to get her parents back together. She is a great baker and plans to start her own business when she gets older and she will call it the Sweet Tooth. The only thing that she is excited about during this time is her boyfriend Rico. He is a bit mysterious and sometimes cancels at the last minute. Her parents send her to group therapy when they catch her and Rico together because they think she is having a hard time with their separation. Which she is because her mothers parents have come from Pakistan to break her parents up and convert them all into "MOTs" the books word not mine. Zahra is furious with her grandparents for doing this and she is resisting them all the way. By the way she is half Pakistani and half Scottish. Group therapy is stupid at first but then she meets two girls, Kali and Syd, that she has to do a group bonding activity with. They bond and become friends. Later they discover that they all are dating the same guy and they are pissed. They decide that they must get revenge and they totally trash his beloved car and then try to sell it for cheap cheap, it's a charger and they are "selling" it for $200. I have no idea how bad that is cause I know nothing about cars but from what the book said, it's bad. So they get their revenge and someone in their group hears about it and asks them if they can check if her boyfriend is cheating, and she will pay them. The girls get an idea to start a business for this and when they do it takes off. They only get jobs from references because they need to keep a low profile. Even so they are raking in the cash. While working for Love Inc. she also has to juggle her parents separation and the Pakistani guy her grandmother is pushing on her. With all this going on she is still doing business, hanging with her friends, and maybe finding a guy. Can't wait to read more, this book is great.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Book# 16

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
324 pages
Popular Fiction
This book is being made into a movie right now staring Amanda Seyfried. It is really weird but REALLY good! It follows the basics of Little Red Riding Hood: the red cloak, Grandmother, the Wolf, a woodsman. It is more for teens than little kids because of the violent images.
The story starts with a village and two sisters, Valerie and Lucie. The town is plagued by a wolf but as long as they make an animal sacrifice each month then the wolf will leave them alone. The girls are of marrying age and there is a festival for the harvest were boys from other towns come to harvest and maybe choose a wife. The girls and their friends are trying to impress the boys to get a good husband. All except Valerie, she is attracted to the mysterious boy who resembles a childhood friend, Peter, whose family was kicked out of the village. After the Harvest the girls camp out on one side of the river and the boys on the other. You can guess what happens next, the girls boat over to the boys side. Here Valerie meets up with Peter and separates from the others. But when the Wolf attacks the camp everyone scatters and gets separated. The next morning a boy finds Lucie dead torn up by the Wolf. Valerie and Peter get stopped from running away when they hear the four bells signaling a Wolf kill. Valerie is distraught and finds out that she is engaged to someone who is not Peter, a blacksmith named Henry. The townspeople decide they want the wolf gone and the men go out to hunt it but when one of them comes back dead, the priest calls in professionals. These men do horrid things: accuse a handicapped boy of knowing the wolf and killing him, accusing Valerie of witchcraft, trying to sacrifice Valerie to the Wolf, and many more bad things. I have only a few more chapters until I have finished the whole book and I am on edge. I can't decide whether the wolf is Peter, Henry, or Grandma.
I love this retelling of this classic story it brings a whole new side of it out.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Book# 15

Water Song by Suzanne Weyn
194 pages
Popular Fiction
This is another one of the "Once Upon a Time" series that I love. This one is a retelling of "The Frog Prince". It takes place during World War Two in Belgium, I think. It has accurate World war two information and the taking of the estate that the girl, Emma, lives is acctually true the author even includes a passage about it..."Britsih forces continued to push the Germans back a few hundred yards at a time toward the high ridge at Passchendaele. The Germans fought back with mustard gas, a notoriously slow-acting chemical agent that maimed or killed enemy soliders via severe blisters on the skin or internally if breathed. . . .The British reached Passchendaele on October 12 during a driving rain that turned the landscape to impenetrable mud." So the story goes that Emma is alone in her mothers estate after she got blown up in a German bombing with only the two old caretakers. She is on a ridge and below her are the trenches and fighting of the war. She has a golden locket that is a perfectly round ball and she gets frusterated and throws it down the well. Meanwhile in the trenches the Germans use mustard gas on the British and one Ameican soilder, Jack makes it out by holding his breathe and running into Emmas well. The next day she freaks out because the locket was a family heirloom and held the only picture of her parents, so she decides to retrieve it but instead she finds Jack. His face is swollen and blistery and she compares him to a frog. When they get out of the well they are surrounded by German soilders, Emma tells them that they are married and that Jack is not a soilder so the soliders will not kill them. Both of them are taken hostage because the Germans will be using the estate for a base. Jack and Emma do not get along but she helps him get better so he can go down to get her locket for her just like in the original. So he gets it back for her and they start to become closer. In the rest of the book they go through adventures with spying, healing, escaping, and discovering secrets about each other. There is a lot in this one so thats all the detail i'm going to go into because I strongly dislike typing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spellbound Blog Assignment

The two competitors I chose for this exercise were Harry and Neil. Harry is really energetic and expressive. Neil on the other hand is quiet and nervous. Harry has so much energy he just can't get it out fast enough, he also has a hard time concentrating and listening. On his last word he had to be told multiple times to face the microphone and spell his word. During this whole time he is fidgety and making faces. He reminds me of someone with Asperger's or another more severe form of Autism. Neil, on the other hand is quiet and barely talks except when spelling. He stutters a lot and practices nonstop. He says during the competition that he sets goals of where he wants to get to and trys to make them happen. Both of the boys have two very different ways to deal with the competition and the stress that comes with it but neither of them won in the end.