Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spellbound Blog Assignment

The two competitors I chose for this exercise were Harry and Neil. Harry is really energetic and expressive. Neil on the other hand is quiet and nervous. Harry has so much energy he just can't get it out fast enough, he also has a hard time concentrating and listening. On his last word he had to be told multiple times to face the microphone and spell his word. During this whole time he is fidgety and making faces. He reminds me of someone with Asperger's or another more severe form of Autism. Neil, on the other hand is quiet and barely talks except when spelling. He stutters a lot and practices nonstop. He says during the competition that he sets goals of where he wants to get to and trys to make them happen. Both of the boys have two very different ways to deal with the competition and the stress that comes with it but neither of them won in the end.

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