Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soccer Phenom

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/27/magazine/mag-27Soccer-t.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&ref=magazine&src=me This girl is crazy good with a soccer ball! I have never seen someone move that fast, or that coordinated. She "began juggling a ball with her feet until suddenly she popped it in the air, swished her right foot around the ball twice, kicked it up again, then rotated her left foot around once without letting the ball touch the floor." She is really driven and that's good but can you be too driven? She won't join the girls soccer team because she wants to be the best and I get that but when you're having girls call you saying they hate you do you think there could be something you could do to stop that. I think that she could have been less cocky and show-offy to the other girls and maybe tried to be their friends because looking through their eyes it looks like she is too good for the rest of them. She even said it herself in the article "She says her best friend is her 12-year-old sister, Skye, and most of her other buddies come from a Facebook community of freestylers, some of whom she's never actually met," I think that that's a little pathetic that she has virtually no real friends.

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