Sunday, January 30, 2011

Book #6 Almost done!

look me in the eye (my life with asperger's) by John Elder Robison
103 more pages in
OMG you would never believe the things this guy did! At age sixteen he dropped out of high school because he was failing but then got in with KISS, yes the famous band, to make musical equiptment. He designed and made all of Ace's guitars, Gene Simons' Battle Axe guitar, and fixed numerous techie stuff for them. He goes through so many things just because he can't understand how to be "normal". After KISS he forges a resume and gets a job at Milton Bradley to help design games, specifically the engineering part of designing games. He was quite a jokester, too. One time when he knew corporate would be coming by for an inspection he scraped off some of the Fromica tabletops to make it look like coke and then made lines of it and put a rolled up twenty with it, just to see what anyone would say. The next day a lot of the "coke" was gone. John and one of hid friends decided to see who was playing with them so they scraped up some more "coke", set it up again but this time with a hidden video camera. When they watched the video one of the VPs was snorting it!!!! They then decided to play a joke on him and show him the video and demand money for what he took. John got like 500 dollars or something like that for some chopped up plastic!! I would recomend this book to anyone and everyone, it's great.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this book cover! You're personal posts are interesting, I'm lovin' your blog.
