Monday, January 31, 2011

Book #6 Done!

look me in the eye (my life with aspergers) by John Elder Robison
96 pages
Finally finnished! John told about his marriage to Little Bear (that's what he called his first wife), his son Cubby (Jack), his diagnosis at age forty, his divorce, and his current wife (Unit Two). He started his own business repairing old nice foreign cars. He is still friends with Little Bear, they just drifted apart. He is such a good dad too, from what he writes. He told Cubby tons of stories to entertain him, and took him somewhere exciting every sunday. It's really touching how he talks about his family.
I finnished this book today at school and then I lent it to the librarian, 'cause thats how we roll, and she lent me Battle Hym of the Tiger Mother, which has been all over the news. If you don't know the librarians very well, go in and talk to them sometimes, they are great.

1 comment:

  1. Great reading so far, Bookworm. Your page total is one of the highest of all the Ety classes right now. Nice work starting to personalize things, too--would love to see you talk about a wider variety of things here.

    Your reading logs could use a little bit more reflection about the books, too--just a brief second paragraph for each one, maybe.

    Great work.
